Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Birthday, Bahama Llama!

January 11, 2011

Bahama Llama is 8 years old. This very round number is ideal for this BIG boy!

 Bahama Llama Dresses Up for a Llama Walk

A llama’s birth date is listed on its International Registration Certificate, which contains some interesting facts:

Registered Name:  Bahama Llama’s “real” name is Nitro Glistening, which couldn’t be farther from a good description of this gentle, slow, totally chilled-out llama! Maybe he was a spunky cria (that’s a baby llama).

Bloodline: Bahama Llama’s parents plus four generations of grandparents are named on his certificate. You won’t laugh so hard at ShangriLlama’s names when you read what some of Bahama Llama’s ancestors were called:

Marie Antoinette, Huckleberry Finn, Tia Maria, Titicaca, Errol Flynn, Rib Eye, 
Vichyssoise, Peek a Boo, and Lady Guinevere

Origin: All certified llamas have their blood tested to determine which part of South America their ancestors came from: Argentina, Peru, Bolivia or Chile. Bahama Llama is certified to be Bolivian. Llamas are Bolivia’s national animal!

The one thing that Bahama Llama’s certificate does not contain is his weight, and that’s good, because he’s topping out at 350 pounds! He gets plenty of exercise during his animal adventures to the park on weekends. But he has a BIG appetite! Check out his belly size below:

Bahama Llama Contemplates Going On a Diet

If you’d like to sing “The Llama Song” in honor of Bahama Llama's birthday, here’s a link.
WARNING! This song has a million verses and gets stuck in your head!


Happy Trails from Mama Llama!

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