Saturday, March 5, 2011

Llama Show Dropouts

March 5, 2011

Everyone knows that there are dog shows, cat shows and horse shows. BUT DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE LLAMA SHOWS? Just imagine 100 llamas getting together to determine which one has the best wool, the best body (conformation), or is the highest jumper or the best all around. Strange but true!

If you want to do something really different, why not attend a llama show? These animal adventures take place in various parts of the country, and the schedule is published at:

The llamas of ShangriLlama all come from parents that have won Grand Champion, Reserve Champion or blue-ribbon prizes. And all the llamas here have won prizes themselves at llama shows. But once a llama decides he doesn't want to compete anymore, not much can be done except let the animal become a llama show dropout. So instead of training to pose, walking through obstacle courses, jumping high or pulling a cart, these llamas spend their days wrestling with each other, lying in the sun or cooling in their air-conditioned barn, or socializing with visitors, and they especially like to eat, eat and eat! Sounds like a fun schedule to me! If there were a competition for gorgeous, pampered, friendly, overfed former show llamas, then Mama Llama’s entire pack would win.

Just how playful are the ShangriLlama llamas? Here’s a video clip of  Dalai Llama taking a piggyback ride then cheating at wrestling with Barack O'Llama. Click just once to enjoy!

Happy Trails from Mama Llama!