Saturday, January 8, 2011

Llama Pedicures

January 8, 2011

All five llamas received a pedicure this morning. None liked it very much. It's kinda hard to blame them. They had to stand in a portable llama chute to keep them still and safe from being nicked by the trimmers. Llamas fuss when their feet are lifted off the ground, because then they can't run to defend themselves. I commend the groomer for his bravery in holding up the feet of 200- and 300-pound animals while closely trimming their nails. Mama Llama is NOT going to become a llama pedicurist!


How do you know when a llama's nails are trimmed correctly? I'll bet you have always wondered this (not!). I'll tell you anyway. If you hear clicking on the pavement when a llama walks by, then his nails are too long. Llamas should walk silently. In fact, it is said that a correctly pedicured llama should be able to carry a full glass of wine on his back without spilling a drop. That's not one experiment we're going to attempt at ShangriLlama, especially with Dalai, the white llama, or Como, the one who likes to run sideways, but you get the idea. Llamas walk smoothly and gracefully when properly pedicured. They're a sight to behold when they gracefully walk our city's trails on their weekend animal adventures to the park.

Here are the bottoms of a llama's feet. Pretty, cool, huh! See the black pads? They're leathery and kinda squishy. The llama's toe nail surrounds the pad, like a frame. The nail is very black and should not extend much beyond the tip of the pad. The extra can be cut off with what look like sharp garden shears, and it comes off easily--if you know what you're doing.

During the pedicure, the groomer was chatting about his 22 llamas and what they like to snack on. He said they love bananas with and without their peel, plus rose petals, mini corn cobs, apple slices, salad (without dressing), and sliced, unpeeled oranges. Really? We're going to offer some of these treats to the llamas tomorrow!

Happy Trails from Mama Llama!

50 Pictures for One Pose

January 8, 2011

How many photos should a person have to take
to capture five llamas in a single frame?

The llamas of ShangriLlama

The answer is...50! Or at least that's how many photos we took today,
and even then, one llama didn't quite cooperate. 

Still, we're pleased to show you the entire pack's photo:

Barack O'Llama is the little brownish-black one in the front left. He's a one-year-old spitfire.

Dalai Llama is the bright white one. He's also one year old and gorgeous.

Como T. Llama, a very large yearling, is behind Barack. Como moved just when the camera clicked, but then Como is always moving around--mostly sideways. He's too big for his body, and we think he's got ADHD.

Bahama Llama is behind Como. He's seven years old and quite plump but a sweetheart.

And the leader of the pack, 10-year-old Pajama Llama (alias P.J.), is pictured in the background. He was in the foreground when we set up this shot, which gives you some idea how difficult it is to capture an entire llama pack in one frame. 

We took this photo while on our weekday animal adventure through the Christmas tree farm where the llamas of ShangriLlama live. Llama Boy--who started ShangriLlama when he was 12--walked Barack, Dalai and Como using the three-llama lead. Llama Boy didn't care much for this newfangled device, because Como insisted on walking sideways into the other two llamas. That's when spit happened! Mama Llama thought that was funny, mostly because she was walking Bahama and Pajama, who were well behaved today. So from Mama Llama's perspective, it was a good walk.

It's not so easy to walk
three llamas on one lead!

Tomorrow Pajama Llama and Bahama Llama will receive their pedicures. We have to use a chute to keep them still. Photos, and hopefully video, should be interesting!

Happy Trails from Mama Llama!